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Okinawan Goju-Ryu Karate Namibia

Member of the Traditional Okinawan Goju-Ryu Karate Federation

Shinto Dojo – One Year Anniversary


Shinto Dojo, founded by Sensei Rowan Carstens in 2019; celebrated it’s one year anniversary on Thursday the 1st of October! 

Although faced with many challenges primarily brought on through the Covid-19 pandemic; OGKN Shinto Dojo has now firmly planted it’s roots in Windhoek and is looking forward to continued growth in 2021.

Upon looking back at the first year, Sensei Rowan Carstens commented “this past year at Shinto has taught me perseverance, NEVER give up. Some afternoons were spent alone training as if the class was full. One year later and now we have a beginners children group as well as an intermediate group.”

“My biggest joy has been the change I’ve seen in students, both young and old. Through this I saw, possibly for the first time, how karate builds ones character through the simple act of concentrated movements. Something only the individual can do by looking at themselves. Ultimately my love for karate has grown and I look forward to the future. Thank you to all my Senior Karateka, the guidance and encouragement! Its been an amazing journey.
KAMPAI!” – Sensei Rowan Carstens, 3rd Dan IOGKF

Sensei Rowan Carstens was inspired to open Shinto Dojo after returning from his 3rd consecutive trip to the IOGKF World Karate Gishiki in Okinawa, Japan.


Okinawa Goju-Ryu Karate Namibia would like to congratulate Sensei Rowan on the tremendous achievement and continues to wish him success and growth for the future!