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Okinawan Goju-Ryu Karate Namibia

Member of the Traditional Okinawan Goju-Ryu Karate Federation

Seniors, Sanchin and Sunshine!


Outdoor Gasshuku and training camps are part of Okinawan Goju-Ryu Karate Namibia culture and a tradition that goes back to Goju-Ryu Namibia’s founder, Sensei Hennie De Vries. For the past few years group gatherings and travel have been difficult, but the beautiful weather around the capital meant it was time once again to head outside of the Honbu Dojo for some sweat in the sunshine.

From the 18th to the 20th of February, OGKN Brown and Black Belts took part in a 2 day outdoor training seminar at Eden Chalets, 20 km east of Windhoek. The Gasshuku was hosted by Sensei Carl van der Merwe and covered senior level theory and practical training.

To take full advantage of the beautiful venue, Sensei Carl also invited the OGKN Sports Karate Team to do their weekly training session with the group in preparation for the upcoming 2022 National Team Trials.

“The primary objective of an out of town Gasshuku is to allow for more intensive and focused training on aspects of Okinawan Goju-Ryu that are not generally dealt with during class time; as well as providing and opportunity to build friendships and long lasting memories with fellow karateka. ” – Sensei Carl van der Merwe.

For more pictures and the official after video check out our Facebook page!