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Okinawan Goju-Ryu Karate Namibia

Member of the Traditional Okinawan Goju-Ryu Karate Federation

Covid-19 Update – Zoom Training in full swing!


With the Covid-19 infection numbers in the country at an all time high and the Ministry of Health and Social Services implementing strict regulations regarding social gatherings, OGKN has decided to once again take it’s classes online!

For the past two weeks Okinawan Goju-Ryu Karate Namibia has once again opted to present all it’s classes on a strictly online basis.

This decision was made to in order to help limit interpersonal contact and help reduce the spread of Covid-19. With the countries daily infection rate higher than it has ever been, OGKN has found it paramount to prioritize the health and safety of it’s students during this time. Whilst we understand that online training is far from ideal, we ask that our students please bear with us during theses trying times.

“During these times of hardship we must stand together and protect each other and our families. We are uncertain when we will be able to return to the dojo, but until then it is important that we do not stop training! Karate, especially during these times is vitally important not only for our physical, but also our mental health” – Sensei Carl van der Merwe

With the country’s lockdown having just been extended for a further two weeks, OGKN is gearing up to host it’s first National Grading of the year on a strictly virtual basis. “This will be the first time in the history of OGKN that a grading has been conducted in the manner and we are excited to see what this new challenge will hold” – Sensei Carl van der Merwe